Sunday 21 November 2010

Potential Band Names

Initial Ideas and Inspiration
We knew we wanted to re-name the band rather than staying with and using the original 'Snow Patrol' title. The reasoning behind this was to avoid any expectations our viewers would have when seeing our band name. By choosing a completely new, unheard of and fresh name, no association with existing bands could be made on the production.
Using the internet, books (thesaurus, dictionary and novels) and posters we came up with a selection of names which we could potentially use for our band. The names are:

1) Numb Cure
2) The Clergymen
3) The Untamed
4) The Pigmy's
5) Requiem
6) Sphinx
7) The Wookies
8) Ignite

All the above were chosen largely based on there abstract nature which follows a theme used by many indie/rock bands. For example, the currently popular indie band 'The Wombats' are a good example of the application of this abstract naming process.
The names highlighted in bold and italic are the two names we have considered to be the most fitting to the concept we are using in our music video and we feel these names will appeal to our target audience.

Final Decision
Our final decision was the name IGNITE. The reasoning behind this is that it contrasts heavily against the mood the band emits to its audiences. The word ignite means to set alight, and is closely linked to the idea of fire, which of course is bright and warm. Fire is often used as a symbol for energy, happyness, passion and hope. It can however also be used to symbolise death, dying and disappearance. This is why we decided on the name as it brings out much of the implied meaning in the bands songs and highlights the sometimes hard to see messages through the grey, dark imagry used. Also the word IGNITE flows well when said and has a rounded sound, making it appealing to consumers. Not only this, but the short, dualsylabic word is easy to remember making it easy to be accessed.

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